Information from the Sanitation Department in regards to increased penalties for illegal dumping.
Check out our December stats, along with a new LA County mapping tool for helping to facilitate homeless housing.
Here’s hoping that your holidays are clean, safe and very very happy!
LAPD has recommended a way to help them recover your bike!
Part of our district are becoming graffiti free, thanks to the daily diligence of our Clean Team crew!
We’ve redone our infographic to provide you with even more data. Check out what’s new!
After successfully forming and launching the Venice Beach BID, our consultant Tara Devine will be handing over her leadership role.
July stats + Clean Team offers path out of homelessness to locals.
The VB BID is busier than ever as summer approaches – here’s our report for May.
Spring is bringing more visitors and the BID teams are stepping up!
Our teams are as busy as ever, as our March infographic shows.
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