How we’ve worked to earn your support.
After listening to you – we added these services to better meet your needs:
• Increased capacity to rapidly remove abandoned bulky items.
• Launched a dedicated graffiti removal team to maximize benefits.
• Purchased a heated pressure washer to achieve a deeper sanitized clean.
• Piloted an OFW Engagement Team to help gain greater cooperation.
• Purchased a high-powered paint sprayer to quickly eliminate large graffiti.
How we’re working to mitigate impacts.
BID services are more critical now than ever. We act as your liaison to the City and fill gaps in services that the City doesn’t have resources to provide.
Our mission is extremely challenging. Throughout the pandemic the City has had to halt or reduce services because of funding shortfalls. Impending budget cuts will have further impacts. As a public-private nonprofit entity, the BID is able to remain funded and fully operational at pre-Covid capacity. After renewal, the BID’s services and presence will continue to be reliable and guaranteed.
Your assessment dollars at work.
The powerful stats below give you an idea of how much the BID’s efforts contribute to clean and safe services in the district.
Clean Team data is provided by Chrysalis. Safe Team data is provided by Allied Universal.
1 The bags of trash were an estimated 932,880 lbs. Bid-to-Date.
2 Dumped bulky items weighed 36.98 tons since we began recording this data (August 2020).
3 One hundred and twenty one miscellaneous incidents have been recorded Bid-to-Date that are not represented in the above infographic.
4 Includes noise complaints, misuse of bikes and scooters, and public drinking/smoking/urination/defecation.
5 Includes safety escorts, responding to alarms, medical emergency/accident responses, and lost individuals
Current Services for BID Properties
Request services online or call (310) 396-8243.
Clean Team Services
Safe Team Services
Technical Documents (BID Renewal)
• Venice Beach BID 2022-2026 Management District Plan
• Venice Beach BID 2022-2026 Engineer’s Report
• Property Owner PETITION example (please email the BID to request yours if not received)
• Who May Sign (explains who must execute the petition)
• BID Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
More About the BID & Other Resources
• Venice Beach BID – how we are serving you and the community
• 2020 YTD stats with notable highlights
• Online stakeholder survey – we want your feedback!
Photos by Venice Paparazzi