It’s officially summer at Venice Beach! While summer may be calmer this year due to the global pandemic, the Clean Team crew hasn’t slowed their pace in keeping the district clean. Two larger projects of note so far this summer:
- The BID increased capacity to dispose of district waste and bulky items, meaning you can now call for bulky item pickup within 24 hours. BID staff still cannot remove personal property. However, the BID teams are working with unhoused residents to determine what property has been abandoned by others and what items encampments no longer want.
- On June 24th the Clean Team did a focused cleaning effort along Speedway and N/S Venice Blvds removing graffiti, stickers, weeds, and debris. Team members painted over graffiti on dumpsters and blue trash cans and removed stickers affixed to light poles. Weeds and debris on the canal walkways were also cleared.
BID staff have noticed an uptick in graffiti throughout the district. Remember that graffiti removal is a service that the BID provides. Regardless of the surface, call dispatch to assess possibilities for removal. If you would like to leave your unique paint color with the BID for as needed touch ups, please call to coordinate with Shira Moch.
The BID is here to help! Please call for assistance with any needs. For questions or feedback, please email the BID at admin@venicebeachbid.com