Our Clean and Safe Team report for July is here
Another month and 634 graffiti tags were removed and our Safe Team intervened in 33 conflicts in the district. Check out the full service update below.

Our 15 person VB BID Safe Team helps people throughout the district. In addition to the stats above, here are a few more services performed in July:
10 Trespassing incidents addressed
2 Dangerous weapon interventions
1 Missing person assist
Our 15 VB BID Clean Team workers pressure washed all the sidewalks on Windward Avenue between Main Street and Ocean Front Walk. They also pressure washed all 10 metal trash cans between Speedway and Ocean Front Walk. And they removed 653 stickers all over the district!
270 people visited our website in July! Don’t be the last to know what’s going on – please join our mailing list today using the link at the bottom of the page!
Click to download a PDF file of the Community Update